You don't have access to this product

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Here are some reasons why you may not have access to a product.

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  1. The product is locked. Check with your teacher if your product is blocked, if so, ask him/her to unblock it from his/her Class Materials.
  2. The product was not added to your institution's administrative platform. Check with your teacher if the product you do not have access to was really requested, your teacher will check with the school.

Self-registration students  

  1. The product is locked. Check with your teacher to see if your product is locked, if so, ask them to unlock it from their Class Materials.
  2. The product was not added to the access code (token) provided to you. Check with your teacher to see if the product you do not have access to was actually requested, your teacher will check with the school.
  3. Your product subscription has expired. Ask your teacher for a new access code (token).

If you would like to learn more about the use of the platform, please visit our knowledge base at the following link: