How do I join a class? What is the class code for?

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When you access RLP through your platform's banner, you are automatically assigned a class previously configured by your institution.

Self-registration students  

If you have a Class code, that means your teacher has created a class on the Richmond Learning Platform. You can join the class by entering your Class code.

When you join a class:

  • Your teacher for that class can message you on the Richmond Learning Platform. These messages will appear in the Messagge Center section.
  • Your teacher can see your score for the activities that you complete on the platform.
  • You can share materials with your teacher and other students in your class through the Library.
  • You can discuss topics with your teacher and other students in your class in the Forum.

How to enter your class code: Primary Students

  1. Watch the following video on the process of adding an access code.

        2. After adding the access code you must add the class code. In the following video you can see the process.

How to enter your class code: Secundary/Adults Students

Watch the following video on the process of adding an class code.

Please, check that you type in the correct class code, because if you enter an incorrect class, it may lead to the change of Institution.

If you would like to learn more about the use of the platform, please visit our knowledge base at the following link: